Project Description
Composition :
Each ml VAPCOGENT – 10%® contains :
Gentamicin (as gentamicin sulphate) 100 mg
Indications :
For cattle, goats, dogs, cats, poultry and pigs.
- Gentamicin is a broad spectrum antibiotic whuch is highly effective against many strains of gm+ve and gm-ve bcateria.
- Respiratory tract infections : bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheatis, etc.
- Alimentary tract infections : gastritis, peritonitis, enteritis, scour, bloody diarrhea, vibrionic, dysentery, etc.
- Urinary tract infections : metritis, cervicitis, mastitis (supportive treatment).
- Septicemia, arthritis, skin, and wound infections.
- Prevention of early mortality of neonates, very young animals, weaners and newly – hacthed chicks.
Dosage :
By I.M (Intra Muscular)injection
- Goats, Cattle : 1 – 2 ml/50 Kg B.wt (2 – 4 mg activity/Kg B.wt)
- Dogs, cats, pigs : 0,5 ml/10 Kg B.wt (5 mg activity/Kg B.wt).
The dose in the first day is twice, subsequently, one daily for not more than 7 consecutive days.
- Poultry : dilute with sterile (distilled water or physiological saline) 1:5 and the inject to 0,25 ml/Kg B.wt (5 mg/Kg B.wt) twice a day.
By S.C (Sub cutaneous)injection (in the neck)
- Day – old chick : dilute with sterile (distilled water or physiological saline) 1:100 and the inject to 0,2 ml/Kg B.wt
- Orally for poultry : 1 ml/liter drinking water for 4 – 5 days.
Safety Period :
For meat consumption : 45 days
For milk consumption : 3 days
Remark :
- Not given with general anesthesia, muscle relaxants other aminoglycosides or polymyxin (colistin) products.
- Not given in cases of kidneys dysfunction
- For Veterinary use only
Storage :
Keep in dry, dark place below 30 0C
Package : 100 ml
KEMENTAN RI No. I.14044795 PKC
Imported & marketed by : MITRAVET – INDONESIA
Produced by : Veterinary & Agricultural Products Manufacturing Co. Ltd. – YORDANIA