Project Description
Composition :
Each ml TOCOVIT – S® contains :
Vitamin E acetate …………. | 80 mg |
Sodium Selenite …………. | 1,6 mg |
Indications :
- Prevention and treatment of vitamin (E/S) deficiency syndrome.
- Skeletal and cardiac muscles disease (Nutritional muscular dystrophy/Nutritional myopathy) of kids and calves.
- White muscle disease.
- Stiff-calft disease (Enzootic muscular dystrophy).
- Treatment of the reproductive disorders in male and female animal such as : infertility, retained placenta, ovarian cysts, habitual abortion, embryonic death, Oligospermia, depressed copulation activity.
- Exudative diathesis, arthritis, liver necrosis.
- Pigs : Mulberry heart disease due to the extreme degeneration of myocardium
- Hepatosis dietetica
- Reduced vitality, impaired growth, depression of the immune system
- In pregnancy, to assist prevention of the deficiency syndrome in the new born animals.
- Poultry : in cases of poor fertility & hatchability and low egg production
Dosage :
By S.C (Sub cutaneous) or I.M (Intra Muscular) injection
- Calves : 1 – 2 ml/45 Kg B.wt
- New born : 0,5 ml
- Older animals : 0,5 – 1 ml
- Pigs : 1 ml/25 Kg B.wt
Repeat the above – mentioned doses after 2 – 4 weeks, if necessary
- Pre natal for protection of the new born, kids and calves againts deficiency :
- Goats : after 3 months of pregnancy : 2 ml/50 Kg B.wt
- Cows : after 5 months of pregnancy : 2 ml/50 Kg B.wt
Repeat the dose, if necessary, for goats and cows, at not less than 2 weeks intervals for maximum of 4 doses.
- Poultry : 0,125 ml/Kg B.wt, I.M
- Dogs&Cats : 0,05 ml/Kg B.wt, I.M
Safety Period :
For meat consumption : 14 days
For milk consumption : 5 days
Remark :
- Do not exceed the recommended dose.
- Not used for lactation dairy cattle.
- Occasionall anaphylactic reactions may occur. In such case, administer epinephrine immediately.
- For Veterinary use only
Storage :
Keep in dry, dark place below 30 0C
Package : 100 ml
KEMENTAN RI No. I.14054830 PKC
Imported & marketed by : MITRAVET – INDONESIA
Produced by : Veterinary & Agricultural Products Manufacturing Co. Ltd. – YORDANIA